Installing VS 2022

Learn .NET MAUI creating projects
Learn how to create cross-platform applications, thanks to the power of .NET MAUI and a series of real projects.
The first thing we are going to do, is to install the version that will allow us to work with .NET MAUI projects or templates.
We are going to go to the Visual Studio site, where the official versions of Visual Studio are hosted.
You have to click on the button that says Download Visual Studio. We have different versions that we could use and as in other trainings we are going to download the Community version, since it is the free version. Let's click on this option. Let's wait a few seconds while the installer starts downloading.

After downloading the installer, you have to click begin the installation processo, so that the installer updates the necessary components to always have the last version of the installer.
Once the installer has been updated, you will see a new window showing you the workloads available to install as part of the IDE installation. A workload will install the components needed to develop in a development category, e.g. web, cloud with Azure, mobile, video games, etc.
In our case, we must install the .NET Multi-platform App UI development workload, so that the .NET MAUI components are installed on our computer, including SDK's and configurations.

And that's it. After a few seconds we see that the installation of Visual Studio has been completed successfully, so we are ready to continue.
Video about installing Visual Studio 2022 to create .NET MAUI projects
In case you have doubts about the installation of VS 2022, you can watch the following video in which I show you how to do it step by step.